SEO Services

ROI Driven SEO Services in Kolkata

Race ahead of the competition with our SEO services

Marketing today has become increasingly digital. You cannot avoid the term SEO or digital marketing when you are planning to take your business online. When you search for online marketing tips, SEO will be the first thing that you will see.

So what’s SEO? SEO is search engine optimization. We use organic search engine optimization methods to make sure that your website is the one on top of the Google search engine results. What does this do? Well for starters, your website witnesses an increase in traffic.

As you score new clients with our SEO techniques we make sure that these visitors do not just remain visitors but turn into customers. Make us your digital partner and let us help you meet the sale target of the month!

Our work speaks for us

Unlike the other SEO companies in the market, we do not make false promises. We have been in the industry for over a decade now and have worked with several big players in various industries. We have gained valuable insights and knowledge through partnerships and we bring this knowledge to the table once you hire us to be your digital partner.

We only use organic means to drive up traffic to your company website. The organic methods ensure that there you never get banned for using techniques that are not approved by Google.

Once we are on board, you will see the difference in the figures just after a fortnight. SEO strategies take time, we need to know about your target audience and conduct a research on your competitors to come up with a marketing campaign that will put your website at the top of the Google SERPs. SEO companies that promise results in a matter of a few days are only bluffing or are using methods that can get your website flagged, but with us, you will never have to worry.

Basic ppc guide for beginners
SEO Services

Proven methods that being quick results

A majority of the SEO companies do not know what they are doing. SEO needs time and a lot of work to make it work. Since SEO guidelines keep changing every year, you have to be aware of all the changing rules and the SEO trends of that particular year to come with a marketing plan.

Our SEO experts are not only up to date with all the SEO trends but they are also good at identifying patterns and making the right predictions. All of these enable us to come up with an SEO campaign that is sure to go to bring results. We are not here to play games, we are as serious about your business as you are.

With our help, you will not only find your website occupying the top spot in the Google SERPs but we are turbocharged other major search engines like Bing, Apple Safari, and Yahoo to make sure that customers that are looking for a product or service similar to yours do not miss out on you!

Our SEO Process

On-page SEO for better ranking

On-page SEO involves optimizing your website for better ranking. We take a look at your website and make certain changes to make it more crawlable for the search engines.

Websites now serve as a kind of like an online representation of your store and you need to make it visually appealing to make it appealing to the customers. Among the changes we make, we upload higher quality images of your products, size them accordingly, edit the tags, the meta descriptions, a more descriptive domain name and lastly we upgrade the content quality of your website. The changes although sounds small can make a huge difference to the ranking of your website.

Off-page SEO

On-page SEO and off-page SEO methods have to be combined to bring out positive results. This way you will get to see results quickly. Off-page SEO includes creating backlinks, making guest posts, content marketing, social media marketing, submitting your website name to search engines, etc.

Get weekly progress reports!

It is quite difficult for us to communicate all the progress we have made so far over a series of text or over one phone call, which is why we create detailed progress reports which contain everything we have done so far from A-Z.

We want you to know what changes we have made so far. We highly value our clients and it is this transparency that has set us apart from our competitors.

For more details on SEO services, reach out to us on our registered number!


What is SEO?

SEO is the process of creating website content & structure that ranks well on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. First, your website must be coded so search engines can find and crawl it. Your website also needs to be fast, secure, and mobile-friendly. Second, you need web page after web page of unique, remarkable, and optimized content. Third, you must gain citations, links, and references from other relevant and authoritative websites.

What included in SEO Services?

  • A Digital Competitive Analysis – We’ll show you how your SEO stacks up against your top competitors, including new keyword ranking opportunities, areas where your SEO campaign is falling short today, and a customized SEO plan to measurably improve website traffic to your home service company’s website.
  • Website Content and Code Optimization – Your website will be easily found by search engines and accessible to users.
  • New Website Content and Creatives – Our team will publish SEO-friendly content each month tailored to your customers’ needs and wants that converts site visitors into leads.
  • Local Citation Optimization (Local SEO) – Increase your brand’s online authority and generate more website traffic with local SEO.
  • SEO Reporting – Review the SEO performance each month and discuss new opportunities for improvement.

How long does SEO take?

If you’ve got a good SEO partner, you can generally see results between 3-6 months, but certain industries with highly competitive keywords can take up to a year to see traction. Don’t give up, though-once you get going, your results will snowball.

What SEO tasks are completed after the website is launched?

Our ongoing SEO efforts include optimizing local business listings, performing routine SEO health checks, adding title, meta, image alt, fixing broken links, and increasing overall domain authority by performing the right SEO work following Google’s SEO Best Practices.